
Membership of MenEngage Alliance is open to civil society organizations that work or with an interest in transforming patriarchal masculinities and working with men and boys for women's rights, gender justice, LGBTIQ rights, child rights, climate and social justice for all. In addition, MenEngage Alliance is open to individual members. Individual members can be independent consultants, academic researchers, activists, or others with a relevant interest in this work.

How does membership work?

Membership of MenEngage Alliance is decided at the level of country and regional networks, following our decentralized organizing model. This means that all the membership applications we receive are assessed and decided by the respective country and/or regional networks depending on where the organization or individual is based. Once approved, all members of country or regional networks are automatically members of the global MenEngage Alliance.

If there is no national or regional network where you are based, you are still welcome to apply to become a member that is not affiliated with any particular national or regional network. In these cases, the application is processed by the Global Secretariat and Global Board.

There is no membership fee for being part of MenEngage Alliance, with the exception of the North American regional network where a fee is applicable.

How to apply to become a member of MenEngage Alliance

In the application, you will have an opportunity to share about what you do, including your mission, vision, and objectives. You will also be asked to affirm your commitment to the key documents of the Core Principles and Code of Conduct so please review these documents carefully before starting the application process.

Once received, your application will be shared with the relevant national or regional network, who will assess the application. This can take several weeks or more depending on the processes and timeframes that are in place across the national and regional networks.

Once the review and assessment process is complete, you will be informed by the relevant coordinator and/or Chair of the national or regional network, or someone from the global secretariat.

  • Organizational member application form
    Package price

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of MenEngage Alliance. Membership is open to civil society organizations that work or with an interest in transforming patriarchal masculinities and working with men and boys for women's rights, gender justice, LGBTIQ rights, child rights, climate and social justice for all.

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  • CariMAN organizational member
    Package price

    NEW MEMBERS! Apply here

    Note: If you are an existing member please click here for membership reaffirmation

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  • CariMAN organizational member reaffirmation
    Package price


    Use this form is to reaffirm your agreement with and commitment to CariMAN's Core Principles, Code of Conduct, and Accountability Standards. 

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  • Organization membership reaffirmation
    Package price

    This form is for reaffirming your agreement with–and commitment to–the Core Principles, Code of Conduct and Accountability Standards of MenEngage Alliance.

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