Use this form is to reaffirm your agreement with and commitment to CariMAN's Core Principles, Code of Conduct, and Accountability Standards.
*if you are not yet a member and want to apply for membership, click here
This process is for individuals and organizations who are already registered members of the CariMAN Network.
Why are we asking members to reaffirm?
Globally, members of the MenEngage Alliance are required to reaffirm their agreement with- and commitment to- the updated Core Principles and Code of Conduct of MenEngage Alliance.
For years, CariMAN has operated fluidly and autonomously. Through this process, we are working towards standardizing our principles, values, policies, and protocols across all local chapters. This process is crucial to ensure consistency, coherence, and effectiveness in our operations, enhancing our ability to fulfill our mission and vision and serve our community with excellence.
How can you participate?
As the regional representative of the MenEngage Alliance in the Caribbean, CariMAN requests that all members, individuals, and organisational review and familiarize themselves with the Core Principles and Code of Conduct before continuing with the reaffirmation process.
These documents are aligned with MenEngage Alliance's Core Principles and Code of Conduct. Both documents are a key part of the MenEngage 'Accountability Framework'. For more information, please visit MenEngage Alliance [https://menengage.org/important-information-about-the-updated-core-principles-code-of-conduct-and-accountability-standards/]