Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of MenEngage Alliance. Individual members can be independent consultants, academic researchers, activists, or others with a relevant interest in this work.
In the application, you have the opportunity to share about what you do, including your mission, vision, and objectives. You will also be asked to affirm your commitment to the key documents of the Core Principles and Code of Conduct so please review these documents carefully before starting the application process.
Once received, your application will be shared with the relevant national or regional network, who will assess the application. This can take several weeks or more depending on the processes and timeframes that are in place across the national and regional networks.
Once the review and assessment process is complete, you will be informed by the relevant coordinator and/or Chair of the national or regional network, or someone from the global secretariat.
If you have any questions or comments on the application process, please email